Frances Stoakley

Hello! Come and join me in discovering this incredible, yet simple to learn ancient healing art called Qigong.
I am a fully qualified Qigong and Shiatsu practitioner, registered and insured by the Shiatsu Society & Balens, my practice is called Connective Space Shiatsu & Qigong.
My background is as a theatre maker and performer and after many years of exploring various different wonderfully nourishing body work practises, I discovered Qigong at a class in my local community garden here in the valley. This started a beautiful journey for me not only in how to increase my body-heart-mind awareness but also in building an inner resilience and soft strength though feeling more deeply connected to myself, others and the wider world.
I have found that regular qigong practise enables a quiet confidence to grow from within
allowing me to meet the challenges of daily life with more equanimity, kindness and grace.

Unfurl, find calm, ground, de-stress, rejuvenate, energise, reconnect, relax, feel whole, spacious, enlivened & revitalised - These are just some of the wonderful effects of practising Qigong.
Sometimes called a moving form of meditation, Qigong is an ancient form of exercise from China that connects mind, body, and spirit. A bit like Tai Chi (Qigong is like the great grandmother of Tai Chi), it consists of mindful movements, still postures, meditation, visualisations and breathing techniques.
This winter weekly series of six classes will focus specifically on qigong forms which work with the Kidneys and Urinary Bladder – nourishing and revitalising ourselves and connecting with our deepest wisdom as we move into the new year.
You will learn simple, enjoyable body connection exercises and qigong movements that you can integrate into your daily life, as well as the connection, joy, freshness & lightness of practising together as a group.
Qigong also boosts the immune system, strengthen joints and tendons, improves balance and co-ordination, increases the internal strength of the body and provides a focussed way of dealing with stress.


07986 567674

teacher's website


qigong classes - 7 week course from march 17th
10:45 - 11:45